DSM hoist

des moines rigging training

Rigging is an intricate dance of balance and precision. And at the heart of this delicate operation lies one fundamental principle: centering the load.
When it comes to rigging, ensuring that the load is properly centered is paramount. This crucial step is often the difference between a smooth, hassle-free lift and a potential disaster.
By centering the load, we distribute its weight evenly, minimizing the risks of accidents, keeping product from damage, and protecting the lifting equipment from overly excessive strain. Proper weight distribution results in smoother movements and a rigging system that will be correctly & fully utilized without exceeding its safe operational limits.

If you are lifting an asymmetrical load, use Rigging equipment that is specially designed to handle your scenario. And ensure that there is mandatory proper training to use this special BTHLD. 1. it’ll keep operators safe 2. saves potential damage to the payload 3. saves costly accidents 4. avoids downtime 5. + you avoid delays in project completion.


We at DSM Hoist, have the experience, the knowledge and a passion for teaching.

Call us to visit about setting up a training program for your facility/s. We’d be honored.