super heroes?

Safety in the factory and on the work site is by far the highest priority on your list of responsibilities each day. It’s frightening to consider all the scenarios that could happen, especially ones that training would have prevented. You want every employee equipped with knowledge!

If you have a solid training program in place, Hats off to you! That’s so great. If the current training program at your worksite has you feeling even a little bit anxious, hear me today. We can help you. ok, super heroes eradicating danger for all time is a blissful thought, but, can we make injury almost non existent? That IS & will Always be the goal. A majority of worksite accidents are avoidable, if you know

for instance, learning to use tag lines to guide and stabilize a load keeps you out of harms way. Learning how to calculate the “danger zone” in any given situation eliminates the chances of being injured by falling loads and/or flying debris if a BTHLD should fail.. Learning the proper way to PRE-INSPECT your machines & rigging equipment will significantly lower the chance of sling failure. This is just scratching the surface of the topics that we teach.

Please call us; lets talk about getting a training plan in place for your facility.

Here’s our number, 515-981-5600